Printed By our friends at: Big Timber Graphics 12 East Main St. East Dundee IL. 60118
All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

More homeless deaths!
By Richard Faykosh
Sad to here of the 45-year-old homeless lady killed before she could get to the soup kitchen. It appears that she was riding with either a boy friend or just a friend. It appears there was an argument and she got out to walk.

As they approached a corner He turned too sharply, she fell and was ran over by the back wheels.
He was charged with driving under the influence (DUI) not having a driver's license, Not having insurance. And charged with her death.

Yes most homeless people become substance abusers. But if we had a regular Homeless center this would not have happened. Because She would have been already at the shelter and if there was an argument Staff could have intervened.

But the Circle of evil THE ELGIN CITY COUNSEL, City Planners, And Mayor. All should hang their head. Because The City Of America can not find a way to help its own people?

The Last Homeless death was a Hispanic Man
Believed to have Hung himself by the bike path. The city refused to truly investigate that death saying that it was a suicide to save face.
Would a Shelter have helped him?

Then there was the elderly Homeless man Found Dead on the steps of a Downtown Church.
This man use to buy cars and sell them to make ends meet. He was often robed of his money. He told me one time that he stayed alive only to do his time so he could join his wife in heaven. He loved her so much that after her death he just gave up on life.
Would a shelter have saved him?

Then there was SAM that I gave a tent too so he could sleep at night.
Sam would drink and would not be allowed into the soup kitchens at times. He really did not like going there, And he really did not want people to know of his homelessness. So I had a few tents and I gave him one and he would have to cross the Railroad tracks to get to his tent.
Well one night he was a bit drunk and never made it to his tent. He was hit my a train.
Would a shelter have saved him?

Then before Sam
a homeless man was found frozen behind the KFC Dumpster on Dundee Ave.
He had crawled behind the Dumpster to stay warm because the garbage from the store would stay warm for a long time. But this night the tempterture dropped to 20 below. The man was found frozen behind the Dumpster.

Would a shelter have saved him?
The answer to all of these would be YES!
Because they would have the services that they really needed. The families of these people should sue the City of Elgin for their uncaring ring of Evil. Perhaps then the city would do something that has been needed for years. ELGIN has more then a homeless problem. It has a heart problem, a heart filled with evil and greed. for your comments or


If you would like to volunteer.
Or make a donation.
You can contact me at 45. Wren St. Carpentersville Illinois 60110.
Thank you and together we can make Carpentersville better.

SPORTS / VIEWS/ Commits from Richard’s desk!

FOOTBALL Training Camp is now over! DA! BEARS!

There is much to be decided in the coming days. Buy Sept. 1st. 20 more players will be released to bring their roster to 53 and the practice squad. GO BEARS!!!!

Bears Play
Sunday, 9/8 12pm CT Minn. At Bears Winner Minn. *
Sunday, 9/15 12pm CT At Falcons Winner Bears +
Sunday, 9/22 12pm CT Saints At Bears Winner Bears *
Sunday, 9/29 12pm CT At Bills Winner Bears *
Monday, 10/7 8pm CT Packers At Bears Winner Bears *
Sunday, 10/20 12pmCt @ Detroit Winner Bears *
Sunday, 10/27 12pmCt @ Minn. Winner Bears *
Sunday, 11/03 12pmCt Phila. Winner Philadelphia
Sunday, 11/10 3:15pm New Eng. Winner New England
Monday,11/18 8pmCt @ St.Louis Winner RAMS
Sunday, 11/24 12pmCt Detroit Winner Detroit
Sunday, 12/01 12pmCt @Green Bay Winner Green Bay
Monday,12/09 08pm @Miami Winner Miami
Sunday, 12/15 12pmCt NY Jets Winner NY Jets
Sunday, 12/22 12pmCt @Carolina Winner Carolina
Sunday, 12/29 7:30pm TAMPA BAY Winner Tampa Bay
My win/loss prediction rating is? 1/6
What do you think?

HELP WANTED: Trinity News is looking for Sales people. From $1,500 per year to $50,000 a year. Work own hours. When you want, As long as you want. Self-starter. Call Pager # 868-8730 this call will cost you .35 cents.
By Joyce

Always "remember to have a friend, is to be a friend"
What makes a good friend you say?


someone you can tell anything too. Someone you can talk, laugh, have fun with. Someone you can go shopping with, to the movies, someone to share your life with. Always remember, a friend is really what life is about, because without a friend life is very lonely and very hard. SO! To keep a friend always be good to them, speak highly of them. Never gossip about them and you will have a friend for life. GOD BLESS, BE HAPPY. Thank You, With Love always Joyce
Email address

Some of those that has stood with us in our fight against homelesness.Please Check out there web pages.


Roberto Garcia At A L E X I E ' S AUTO REPAIR


The Karaoke Network Corp.

What has been going on with me

for the past few months
By Richard Faykosh

Several months ago before we got the surprise on 9/11/01.

I was going through some very hard times. The job had dried up on overtime.And since that is how I pay my bills. It got real hard.

It seemed that for every week we were getting a $50.00 ticket on our car. And it wasn't just me getting the tickets but everyone in the building. And it was only this building. But the tickets did stop after the landlord called the city of Carpenterville.

But I got about $200.00 in tickets to pay. So I sold the car and started riding the bike. 20 miles a day, I figure that when a city like Carpentersville turns on its residence, then I want to give them as little financial support as possible. And in those weeks the rest of the area did not get any tickets only our building.

One man had his car towed by the city for them to discover that it was ok and it should not have been towed. The man lost a day of work because of it. So the new Mayor could be even worse then the past one.

Perhaps I will vote them all out of office next time. And then we can start over with everything. So here it is going into November and I'm riding my bike. And when I can not ride it I will be walking since the busses do not run late at night. So thank you Carpentersville.


If anyone has a house to rent outside of creepsville let me know. Because I do want to get out of this town.. If you have been getting abused by the city Of CARPENTERSVILLE, We would love to here from you!
Send your note to TRINITY20@ OR to
If you do not have a computer there is one at the nearest library for you.
Continued next month.

By R.J.
But he would only get more and more angry. And as the weeks went by there was more and more anger. I think that he was just angry because he could not find the answers to the problems that they were having. He really did not want Doris to go to work because he felt that he could come up with what was needed. And his pride was in the way. But when it became time to pay the bills or when they sat together trying to salve their money problems. And once again Doris would suggest that she should go to work. And he would come home from drinking and he would abuse her more and more. To the point that the drinking and problems were mounting along with the abuse. Doris was told by those that knew what was going on to get out of that place. But Doris felt that things would get better and things would be as they were before. And that leaving would not end anything. She was still very much in love with her husband. (TO BE CONTINUED).


10/25/02 BY R. J.

Life was so full,
Yet empty,
Where there was emptiness,
It was filled with other things.
Uncontrolled sadness and hurt,
Turned to dedication ,
Work in humane service.
Hurt and anger,
Turned to unsureity and travel,
Things missed ,
Like raising up a child,
And seeing his first day at school,
Or the many birthdays,
And Christmases.
I set watching young fathers,
With there children,
And know that there was more,
Missed in my life,
Then known,
Yet the positive things done,
Through me.
Would I trade it for what I missed?
If you knew what you missed,
How could you trade it?

Setting, Seeing
by R.J. 10/14/02

Setting back in the dark shadow's,
The old bent over gray hair man watches,
Hands close to his unshaven face,
To keep warm on a brisk day.
Setting as his mind battles,
The stiffness of the cold,
Looking at the people pass by,
It's so much colder in the dark.
Seeing young children at play,
Puts a twinkle in his eyes of warmth,
And how as a child he would play,
Remembering good times no doubt.
Seeing young couples walk past,
Hand in hand looking at each other,
Such deep love struck eyes,
The old man can only sigh.
A young man finds an old man,
Setting back in the shadow's,
Hands close to his unshaven face,
The old man is frozen to death!

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The Karaoke Network Corp.
10 E. Main St. Suite 105
E. Dundee IL. 60118
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